Monday, June 11, 2012

Chronic Disease is Preventable

"Obesity will crush the United States and we will fade in the rear view mirror in oblivion. We could have done something different. We should have done something different. We lacked the moral fiber and love for our children to do the right thing". (Weight of The Nation, part 3)

"What a tragedy, after all of these years of building up our healthcare in a circumstance where people are saved from premature disability and death, we can turn that all around. We can lose all of those gains. Do you want your children and your grandchildren to inherit a society where their hopes for a long and healthy life are not not even as good as your are? That can't be the right thing to do". ("The Weight of The Nation" HBO miniseries part 3)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

We Need a Paradigm Shift

Great documentary on HBO, The Weight Of The Nation, about the obesity epidemic in this country.  The Bogalusa, AL obesity study followed children into adulthood from the early '70s. Unbelievable, very disconcerting. You think healthcare cost are expensive now, just wait. Almost 20% is children are obese. 70% of adults will become obese. The beginnings of atherosclerosis is being discovered in children as young as 5 years old. Adult-onset diabetes is not so much adult-onset anymore.

Obesity is the single most influential factor in the causation of the majority of our most prevalent chronic illness today: hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, heart failure, sleep apnea, arthritis just to name a few. How are we going to put our nation on a diet?